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September 3, 2010 / opennav

Microsoft Dynamics NAV “Open Developing”

Hi there,

let me introduce myself: i am Domenico from the South of the beautiful Italy, for what is worth.

I’m working since year 2000 on Navision and then Microsoft Dynamics NAV (MS always got a way to make things more complicated). In these years, i started as a developer, then consultant, analyst and PM for Dynamics projects.

Yes, i definitely LOVE Nav… i.m.h.o. the best customizable ERP for small-medium enterprises.

Anyway, i have to admit, Nav sometimes lacks some advanced features on the manufacturing or jobs side. The only way to get them is to buy them from an existing Partner Add-on or develop “in house” custom features trough the simple but powerful C/SIDE language.

The C/SIDE ambient got the great advantage to store all the code and the objects in the database and easily import / export them from one DB to another. Furthermore, a partner with the right license and the right skill can access and modify all the standard Microsoft objects in the DB!

I always looked at this like a sort of “Open Source” feature! Maybe someone in Microsoft will put me in a black list after using the word open sour… ehm, what?!?

So, there comes this blog and the idea to post here some of the NAV objects developed by me in these years, hoping this can help the developer community.

All the objects are for the NAV 5.01 version, Classic interface and reporting. In my intention, there will be one post every week.

Hope to receive a lot of comments and discussions there!

Keep rockin’!

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